What we do
Meadow Farm opens daily during term time from 9.30am to 2.30pm. The children complete activities with the animals as well as Forest School with qualified practitioners. Places are open for children with EHCPs or who are on the pathway. The general profile are neurodivergent children aged 8-18 often with anxiety and other challenges.
The staff will build up an evidence base of photographs and AQA Unit Awards for each child which are shared with schools and parent/carers. Photos are shared with our online platform – Earwig and can be accessed at any time.
Children can attend up to 2 days a week and are accepted through a referral process.
What is a care farm?
Meadow Learning Centre is a small farm alternative provision where children can develop their social and emotional skills through working in small groups with animals and, as they progress, gain qualifications as well.
The range of animals is increasing but includes two adorable ponies called Wilma and Winnie, guinea pigs and rabbits.
The centre uses the therapeutic approach of PACE developed by Dr Dan Hughes. This is Playfullness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy.
Click here for more information on PACE .
This approach is particularly effective with children with SEN needs and underpins all our work.
The staff are all well trained and experienced in working with children with additional needs and skills.
Although the Learning Centre is a separate alternative provision it has close links with Stone Lodge Therapeutic School.
Our work is underpinned by an ethos of care and understanding of the individual pupil. Here the children are accepted and understood for who they are and through carefully supporting and working with them we help them to develop vital social skills and understand their emotions. To assist in this we use Zones of Regulation as a way of naming and understanding their feelings. More information can be found here